Looking for services in Rangiora and North Canterbury?
Rangiora.com is part of the Northcanterbury.net web service. We offer a comprehensive search facility to find exactly the business, service or activity you are looking for in the area of your choice. Simply type in a keyword above to view all that Rangiora and North Canterbury has to offer.
Check out our great events, news and information pages for terrific local content updated regularly – list your event for FREE. Rangiora.com prides itself on being a community friendly website working for the local community.
What we offer...
Business Listings - List with Rangiora.com (Northcanterbury.net and Kaiapoi.net) and be found 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! Add banners, photos and prioritise your own listing to achieve maximum benefits. more...
Event Listing - We offer you FREE event listings which you can easily add yourself.
For annual events when you want a web presence all year round, choose our discounted "Event Package", more....
Visitor Information - Local information on cafes, services and more!....
Business listings are not alphabetical but rotated at random to ensure every business/service has the opportunity to meet your needs. You can refine your search by area or browse by category.
Tell your friends and family to check out rangiora.com or you can contact us info@northcanterbury.net